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  • Creating A Healthy Work-School-Social Balance In College Source Youtbe: Russ Handler channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iR516qznqA Transcript: -Anyone who has been to college knows it can be tricky to balance it all classes, sometimes jobs and social life. Well, there something students can do to find a healthy balance between school and pretty much the rest of your life. Join me today is Matthew Stewart, co-founder of national researches group and college works. Thanks so much for stopping by. -Thank you for having me Mary. -What is it that new college students need to do when it comes to finding that balance. -Well, I think college students, it's a real shame you come to college, you’ve just been to high school and that’s four more years of school and your thinking how I get to relax, but really colleges the time to not relax. College is the starting line not the finish line, so it's really about treating college like your job and getting ready for your life after college. -The first step very important, you say it's important to set goals. -Yeah, Hammad Ali said my goals are my drive and why I succeed. Everyone in history that successful is goal-oriented. So it's about setting goals but then about having action plan towards the goals. And college students can set goals around grades, they can set goals around getting a job, money they can set goals aound having time with their friends and they just need to write it down and think about it. -You know, a lot students want to go with the flow, and that can come to get you in trouble if you really don't have any sort of structure at all. Something easy that you mention that we need to do, students to do is set them on a calendar -Right. Well, everybody needs to do it. College students I get a lot a request now for training and time management problem, probably the number one. We get a lot of hits on our website collegeworks.com around time management, and they just don't know about time management. They... you know... maybe their lives were run by their parents a lot when they're in high school. It's real difficult. They’re real scare, so the two things I can say real briefly are: first of all, time management using a calendar will alleviate most stress. They won't forget about tests, they won't forget about projects, if they write it down to commit to a calendar, and the second thing is most people, adults and students, and young people put the deadlines in a calendar. It’s about putting the pre-work what you need to do before the meeting or before the tests. Put your studying in the calendar too. -You know, it's so important to do it and yet so simple. but so many students don't do that. -Yeah, it's simple and I fly all over the country, speaking on time management for an hour and it's baffling to me, but they don't know, they really need the help. -A lot college students know that, you know, you should look for business experience while you're in school. You say look for practical business experience. What do you mean by that. - Well, what I mean is that there is a lot jobs out there that really don't apply later on in life. So there's programs out there where they can do some things that will apply to whatever job they doing. Frankly, they don't know what job they're gonna do, so I think they’ll get an experience that will apply to many careers. That will be very helpful 5-10 years down the line in case they change their mind on what they want to do with the life. -You also say that students should have a contingency plan, talk about that. -Well, that's what I'm talking about you are 18 years-old, you’re 19 years-old. They say pick a major. How do you pick a major? They say pick a career. How do you pick career? And people say that this generation of college students will change their career six times not their job, but they go from newscasting to being a lawyer to being a doctor. so I think it's important that they do things like broad-based internships and take a few classes outside their major, so they're prepared for whatever career pops up. In addition, to having a rainy day fund and having someone cover their shifts, all the normal contingency plans in addition to that long-term contingency planning. -Have fun but have a plan. -Exactly. -Thank you so much for stopping by -Thank you - Very important stuff. For more information go to our website komonews.com and click on komo4 TV.
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  • A short video about creating a healthy work-school-social balance in college








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