提供者 : Arain
院校 : 扬州大学

college,   cell phone,   ban,  



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B4U5 课后翻译

提供者 : 马宏
院校 : 河北农业大学


提供者 : 马宏
院校 : 河北农业大学


提供者: none
院校 : none


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  • -Some college professors have started to block laptops from classes, some possibly also (block) cellphones. And it might seem like in this tech savvy world, like we need that stuff. How could you ban it. But we've got some information for why it might be a good idea to ban it. It has to do with how much you guys are using your digital devices during class than it suppose to be. -It is a lot. -University in nebraska Lincoln had a...Bernard Mcculler, who is a teacher there he did the study. He look at 777 students. That is odd. -Yeah. -Exact number. -He probably has OCT or something. He is like... -He is like I need one more. -Yeah. (laugh) -But at six different Universities in five states and he looked at how they use their devices in class and information... these numbers are crazy. Read the reference. You see that in terms of what they do. 86 percent texted in class... supposedly they checked their phones at least 11 times a day, most of it is for texting. 66 percent sending emails or checking different social networks. I don’t send email through my phone but anyway. -I do. -And 55 percent say that they're driven to do so by boredom which is certainly understandable why don’t know the number arenot higher. -So here is the solution though, maybe professor should make the class a little more interesting instead of banning cellphones, because I mean haven’t you ever had those professors who are just so lively and make like even the most boring subject just so fascinating. And those are the classes that you don't have to worry about people being on their cellphones because they engaged all the time. -But some topic are not that interesting. -I know...I know, but I just think like maybe there are other solutions here, because you can’t band. I mean like we're all adults here by the time were in college. You can't like ban our toys, you know. It is seems a little ridiculous. -Un hm, Some of them can be ban in classes. -But yeah, like before twenty years ago they just had to be more interesting than your imagination, now they need to be more interesting than “oh, she was with sevens dudes on Instagram” -That’s true. -That's difficult. -That’s the point. -So I feel for the professors. -Yeah. -A few more stats, (statistics) bring it up. So in terms of what the students think about the way they user devices, 80 percent say it say that it interferes with their learning so many of them believe that they're not learning as much as they would. But only less than five percent think that it's a big distraction. That what they say. It is not necessarily true, but 91 percent oppose banning the devices in class, apparently 9 percent of college students don't own them and are haters. - Nine... Oh, I get what you are saying. I was like “oh, really?” -That's just speculation. -Here is what unclear though, when they say check theirs cellphones eleven times a day while in class. Is that... That’s just probably overall during the day. If that was per class I would be like once every five minutes. -I think that’s per class. -I mean that seems reasonable to me, because when you see how often people on their phones, like once every five minutes like... yeah I make a text once every five minutes. It’s not that unreasonable. -Damn, you are popular. -Yeah, right. -Another dick pic... I am just trying to learn calculations. -It’s like...it’s my mum. No, my mum just check in, “hi, sweetie.” -“ How is physics? ”. -Yeah -Yeah, so anyway, like...hopefully you'll hear this conclusion. You might be checking your texts I suppose. But yeah, like...if professors continue, if they see these numbers, I would not be surprised more than wanted to ban laptops, because it's one thing to check a text that takes a short period time, but I'm sure they're people playing like you know, like War the Warcraft in class as well. -Yeah, but also we're just in a era where it's so much easier to take notes then to write notes, so I don't think that's fair for professors to ban laptops altogether, just because they're are the people who do... you know... play games or whatever. Because they are people who are legitimately using a laptop for good reasons. So I think you can't ban it for everybody. -Yeah -Anything to gets me about college it's like you're learning is up to you. I mean your professor is there to teach you, but you're learning really is up to you, and so I don't think it's fair for the professors to try to take that form their own hands too much by banning things from the whole classes, like I'm the one paying to be here. I'm the one who's gonna benefit or fail from this opportunity so... -Yeah, exactly. -Just let me do whatever I want. -So you sweeping. so don’t ban it unless they're distracting other people. -Right. -You can distract yourself, you can waste your time. - You can distract yourself as much as you want who cares. - Look, in physics, I didn't fail physics because I was checking my cellphone, I fail that because I have my physics book and I have Harry Potter on the inside. I wasn’t studying, but that's on me I wasted my time only. -Did you really(to that)? -In twice in a row. -Oh my gosh. You may be my favorite person ever. -Exactly...yeah that’s a great book by the way. I advice you read it and so...but that’s what we think let us know if you disagree.
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  • A short video about discussion on the use of cell phones in college.



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