提供者 : Arain
院校 : 扬州大学

leisure,   activity,   Britain,   popular,   home ,  

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  • British people spend their free time in a lot of different ways. They do sport, they watch sport, they visit in different interesting places, and they have hobbies. Have you ever tried any of these? “What do you do in your free time?” “I like to watch television and listen to music a lot. But I do go on the internet as well.” “I like to skateboard and roller blade in my free time.” “Play rugby, in my free time forx with rugby club. And I also play tennis.” In my free time, I usually play sport which is usually tennis if the weather is nice, or swimming. I like playing rugby. I’m a member of a rugby team, I like swimming, playing tennis and football. Play football for a football team, play a lot of tennis as well. I play rugby, or cricket or go sailing. I play sport, going to town see my friends. In my free time I go to a drama group and a dance group. So what are the top 10 leisure activities in Britain? The most popular activity for British people outside their own home is going to the pub. Over the last 10 or 20 years, pubs have changed a lot. People don’t just go to the pub for a drink. Almost all pubs serve meals nowadays, and many pubs have live music, karaoke competitions and quiz nights. The second most popular activity is going to a restaurant, and the third….. Young people especially like going out for fast food. The number of fast food restaurants in Britain has increased about 10 times since 1982, and after fast food…. The forth most popular activity is going to the library. Surprisingly this is more popular than going to the cinema. Although the number of people going to the cinema has almost doubled since 1980. And the number of cinemas has more than doubled too. Many people visit historic buildings. This is Kingston lacy, a beautiful 17 century house with lovely gardens. Nearby is Corfe Castle. It’s over 1000 years old and full of history. Short break holidays, both abroad and in Britain are very popular. A lot of young people go to discos and night clubs. And of course watching sport is a big free time activity. Favorite sports include football, horse racing, and cricket, a traditional English sport. Art galleries and museums are popular too. This is the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. The Ashmolean is the oldest museum in Britain and has been part of the University of Oxford since 1683. They have a wonderful collections here including these beautiful sculptures. 200,000 people visit this museum every year. Like many British museums, admission is free. What other places do people like to visit? Almost 3 million people visit Alton Towers every year. This ride is called nemesis. And this one is called oblivion. Then there is Madame Tussaud’s, the Tower of London, Lego Land, and the London eye. The London eye opened in March 2000 and is one of London’s most popular attractions. But what do the British do at home in their free time? Well, listening to the radio or to the CD is popular, so is reading. And people spend a lot of time visiting or entertaining their friends and family. But the most popular activity, you’ve guessed it, is watching TV.
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  • A video about the top 10 leisure activities in Britain.








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