提供者 : Arain
院校 : 扬州大学

superfood,   nutrition,   vitamin C,   powder form,   fresh form,  

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  • Hello, I’m Dr. John Fitsgerald, and get ready to learn with my nutrition advisor. Today we are gonna to cover what are superfoods. What are superfoods? They have many different definitions as to what a super food is, but what is agreed upon is that certain foods have much higher nutrition levels and health benefits than other foods. Super foods are considered some of the healthiest foods in the world. For example, let’s take a look at two things that contain vitamin C. oranges and acerola cherries. Everyone knows that oranges contain vitamin C. well, let’s take a look at the numbers here. One cup of oranges contain 95 milligrams of vitamin C. whereas acerola cherries, 1 cup of acerola cherries contain 1644 milligrams of vitamin C. you can see the difference. This is why acerola cherries are considered a superfood, oranges are not considered a superfood. What we try to do is use as many of these superfoods to make smoothies as possible to give you super nutrition. I always get asked this. Should I take my superfoods in powder form or fresh form? What’s the difference? Well, I’m gonna go through that in a second. But first, I will let you know, just think about the price. It’s very hard to get a lot of these superfoods in fresh form, such as spirulina, acai berries, goji berries, these things, the costs can escalate drastically. If you get them in fresh form, while the powder form, is a much more economical and easy way to do things. Powders are created by dehydrating the fresh ingredient or juice. The powder is a condensed version of fresh ingredients since all the internal water has been removed. The conversion of fresh ingredients to powder form varies by ingredient. For instance, wheat grass, which is a superfood that we use can typically be seen as a 30 to 1 ratio. That means that 30 grams of fresh wheatgrass will resolve in one gram of powder once the water has been removed. What are the nutritional differences between the powder and the fresh forms? Well, raw powders keep enzymes alive just like the fresh form. The powder is a condensed version so there’s a lot more nutrition packed in because it’s condensed. This means that you would have to consume way more fresh from than powder to get the same amount in nutrition in your body. Also, think about this, make sure that you consume organic powders only. The reason is this, pesticides. Pesticides also get condensed in powders. So you are consuming a lot of pesticides if the powder that you are using is not certified organic. The minimum effective dose is basically the amount of the ingredient that it takes to show a benefit to you. What window dressing is, this is a clever thing that a lot of companies use, well, you can pick up a package and there’s 50, 60, 70 different ingredients on there, but the problem is this, they all contain such a minute amount, that is so small that it doesn’t even matter, it’s a trick of the industry. My nutrition advisor products each contain 10 to 11 different superfoods, but they are in a nice dose for you. We don’t use window dressing on our products. A pill or capsule typically has 1/2 gram of powder inside. Think of it this way, a 24-ounce superfood smoothie or CappuGreeno, has 20 grams of superfoods in them. This is equivalent to 40 pills. Imagine how much raw ingredient this would convert to. 40 pills equal 2 tablespoons of superfood powder from my nutrition advisor. It is so much easier to put raw superfood powders in your drinks and boost up the nutrition value rather than having to sit down and swallow 40 pills. Wouldn’t you agree? We like the superfood smoothies in our diet because they provide a huge blast of low-calorie nutrition that really can make a difference in your overall health.
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  • A video about introduction of superfood.








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