提供者 : Arain
院校 : 扬州大学

success,   8-traits,   passion,   focus,  



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  • Hi, I’m Richard St. John, author of 8 TO BE GREAT. My story started about 10 years ago on a plane. And in the seat next to me was a teenage girl, she came from a really poor family, but she wanted to get to somewhere in life. And she asked me a simple question, what really leads to success. And yet even though I did achieve some success, I couldn’t tell her how I did it. I mean how did a dump like me who barely passed high school end up becoming a millionaire. So I get off and go to a conference, and I’m standing in a room full of the rich and famous when it hit me, why don’t I ask them what helped them succeed and find out what really leads to success. Now here we are 10 years later, and I’ve interviewed 500 very successful people including many of the world’s greats. The big job that has been analyzing sorting millions of words I got in the interviews, that after all that work, I discovered the 8 to be great, the 8-traits that lead to great success: love what you do, work really hard, focus on one thing not everything, keep pushing yourself, come up with good ideas, keep improving yourself and what you do, serve other something in value, and persist because there really is no overnight success. The first trait that makes people great is passion. When I asked Russel Crowe what makes an Academy Award for Best Actor, he said the bottom line is I love the actual job of acting. I have a great passion for it. Successful people do it for love not money. When Bill Gates and Paul started Microsoft, Bill says Paul and I…we never thought we would make much money…we just love writing software. And the cool thing is, if you do it for love, money comes anyway. The second trait that makes people great is work. All successful people work really hard. Martha Stewart said to me “I’m a really hard worker. I work and work and work all the time.” Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch said “it’s all hard work, nothing comes easily. But I had a lot of fun.” Did he say fun? Yes, successful people have fun working. That’s why I say they’re not workaholics, they are workafrolics. The third trait that makes people great is focus. Filmmaker Norman Jewison said to me, “I think that it all has to do with focusing yourself the one thing and one thing only. Now many people don’t focus, they dabble. That’s ok to get started, but to succeed in anything, we really have to now down and focus on one thing. The forth trait that makes people great is push. Great people just keep pushing themselves. Richard Branson said to me, “Whatever you are doing in life just push yourself to the limits.” We got to push through shyness. I’m amazed at how many successful people are incredibly shy. They just keep pushing through it and they keep pushing through self-doubt. Goldie Hawm said to me, “I always had self-doubts. I wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t smart enough. I didn’t think I’d make it.” Yet she made it just fine as both an actress and producer. Now it’s not always easy to push yourself, and that’s why the inventive of my book. When I asked Frank Gehry the famous architect what led to his success, he said “my mother pushed me”, so find someone to push you. These are some of the other ways you can push yourself to success. The fifth trait that makes people great is ideas. One good idea can take many people from the bottom to the top. Bill Gates says “I had an idea – founding the first microcomputer software company.” And that one good idea certainly took Bill to the top. Now idea is all about creativity. But I don’t like the word creative. Because there’s a myth that only artsy people are creative. In reality, everybody is creative. And I worked with many people over the years who were just as creative as the artists. As Donald Trump says, deals are my art form. There’s no magic to coming up with great ideas, it just means doing some very simple things that anybody can do. Number 6, improve. Successful people are on continuous missions to improve themselves and what they do. How do we improve? It could be summed up in 3 words: practice, practice practice. I mean when Lance Armstrong was asked how he won the Tour de France, for the 7th times he simply said that the difference is that my team practices 12 months of the year, not 3 or 4. Number 7, serve. Successful people don’t just serve themselves, they serve others something in value, and I don’t mean just a charity sense. Because serving others is how people really get rich. I mean just look at a list to the top billionaires. You see they all get rich by serving others something in value, whether it’s Bill Gates serving a software or Sam Walton serving a discount at Walmart, or Martha Stewart serving his homemaking tips. Martha said to me “I came to people with trusted information, useful information, valuable ideas and products.” There is the word value again, and that’s what made Martha America’s first female self-made billionaire. The 8th trait that makes people great is persist. We gotta persist through all the time because there really is no overnight success. Lary Page, co-founder of Google, said to me “it takes a long time to do these things and a lot of success is just due to the amount of time you put into it.” We got to persist through crap. We stand through criticism, rejection, adversity, and prejudice. And we got to persist through failure. Because all successful people fail. Robert Ward, senior VP at Universal Studio, said to me “you really have to persist because it won’t be easy and there will be failure. You need to pick yourself up, stay on course, and continue down that path.” Trust me, after 10 years of research, I can tell you these are the top 8 traits that lead to great success in any field. And the great thing is these are all simple things that anybody can do. I’m not saying success is easy, but the traits that lead to success are easy to understand and implement in our own lives. So here’s to your success, whatever it means to you. Thanks so much for listening and be great.
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  • A video introducing the eight secrets of success




2017-08-02 08:05:44



2019-08-19 23:10:37

Thanks for sharing







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