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  • Hello guys, my name is Hannah and in this video I am going to try and answer a question that my students’ve been asking me for the last couple of years. They said they’ve taken all kinds of oral English tests many times but still didn’t get a desirable higher score. Honestly, I’ve been observing their performance in oral tests, and trying to figure out what prevents them from getting a higher score. Their grammar and words are basically ok, and so is their fluency. Then what is the problem? Well, I found that their English needs polishing a little bit to be more idiomatic. What I mean is that we need to know some habits of an English native when they are speaking and writing. So here in this video, I am going to show you some tricks for making your sentences more like what native speakers often say or write and more impressive and idiomatic. All right, the first trick is when you naturally speak out the word “but”, stop for a second and replace it with “though” and more prefereably put in in the end of the setence. For example, … I believe a small change to your habit will make big difference. ok, next one. Don’t forget to use adverbs in your spoken or written English. Adverbs do help you more exactly express your real feelings as your tone will be strengthened or eased with the help of these adverbs like…. More examples here:….. all right, now let’s move on to the third tip. Avoid cliches in lanuage use. What do I mean by that? A cliché is a word or a phrase or a sentence that is used too much by students in their conversations or essays, or those words or phrases that are so simple that even small chidren can speak out. So too many cliches in your spoken or written tests will definitely lower your score as the examiners feel dull and uninterested. So just give you several examples. …. Why not just use a single word “personally” instead? If you do love using this phrase, please change its place in your sentence, putting it between the subject and the predicate rather than at the beginning. Take another two expressions here for example. Students often start a sentence with “many people”, like Many children are addicted to the Internet, for it meets their curiosity and relieves their anxiety. Here, if children is one of the topic words in your whole talk or writing and the word is definitely mentioned before, you could just take it away, leaving the word “many” alone, perfect, or more preferably, use the structure like “children tend to become addicted to the internet…” another illustration is “some think …”, a phrase that is excessily used in daily talk or studetns’ esssays. Try to replace it with“some suggest…” some suggest parents and teachers should not often criticize those kids who have been overburdened with study. another expression used excessively by students is the phrase “very plus a very general adjective”, like very good, very important etc. two tips to change, one is substituting very with pretty. The other is coming up with another specific adjective with more exact meansing. Like …. The last trick is on how to cope with negative responses when given an yes or no question by others. Are you going to just say “no”, or at most, “I am afraid not.” ? look. Don’t say one single word “no”, add something. For example. …since I haven’t done any investigations, as far as I am concerned, I don’t know. Probably it has…. Now as a review, here are a very couple of suggestions for you to improve your Egnlish sentences. I bet with right tricks and of course constant pratice you will express yourself more like a native speaker and get satisfying scores in tests. I hope you’ve been enjoying this video, and please email to me if you have any problems in English language learning. Bye Bye.
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  • Four ways to improve your language more like native speakers








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