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评价 资源标题 关键词 提供者 时间 下载量 阅读量
college life college life students 2016-09-29 56 898
【视听素材】A conversation with Chinese and American students 视听素材A conversation Chinese and American students 李冰燃 2016-08-11 368 1533
【补充阅读】More college studentsare woking while study 补充阅读More college studentsare woking while study 李冰燃 2016-08-11 289 1200
【补充阅读】Students earn debt-free degree 补充阅读Students earn debt-free degree大学生无需债务取得大学文凭 李冰燃 2016-08-11 146 737
《大学英语听说教程3》U7 student credit cardintroducetell you Ucreate 2016-07-01 3 290
《新世纪英语口语教程》B1期末考试试卷 Mental health problemspsychiatrists warnstudent Ucreate 2016-07-01 31 528
大学英语阅读进阶(第四版)教师用书 night watchstudents in shockshame Ucreate 2016-07-01 76 895
大学交际口译教程Unit6 studentprettynice Ucreate 2016-07-01 2 207
Plan a student sports event a plansports eventgroup work 大外教师 2015-12-31 3 574
Co-ed dorm rooms universitystudentgenderdorm mia qin 2015-12-15 88 811
1 2 3

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