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评价 资源标题 关键词 提供者 时间 下载量 阅读量
Case 20170038: There were many people stood还是 standing? there people standing stood 许家金 2017-11-09 48 646
Case20170030: Automobiles have changed transportation revolutionarily这个句子好不好? revolutionize revolutionarily chinglish 许家金 2017-11-09 42 449
Case20170029: cause还是lead to? cause lead to 许家金 2017-11-09 55 569
Case20170028:appeal to的用法 appeal to 用法 许家金 2017-11-09 56 532
why do we need to listend to specific information work specific information listening skill 2017-10-26 172 1772
【哈工大课件】新一代综合教程B2U2 story课件新一代 姜琳琳 2017-09-25 179 1076
【哈工大课件】新一代综合教程B1U4 historymemory课件 姜琳琳 2017-09-25 225 1028
Angela Lee Duckworth- The key to success- Grit (英文字幕)_标清 grit passion perseverance summer9902 2017-09-24 538 1809
Key to excercises in Unit 1 Section B Unit 1Text BExcercises 2017-09-23 16 614
grit the power of perseverance grit predictor of success kids 2017-09-08 0 623
4 5 6

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