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评价 资源标题 关键词 提供者 时间 下载量 阅读量
unit3 blowing the whistle on soccer 课文翻译 unit3 blowing the whistle on soccer 课文翻译 Diana 2017-02-10 3 911
unit3 blowing the whistle on soccer language points unit3 blowing the whistle on soccer language points Diana 2017-02-10 43 665
【补充阅读】should grils be allowed to play high school football 补充阅读should grils be allowed to play high school football 李冰燃 2016-10-01 14 485
On a Slow Boat to China Slow Boat China summer9902 2016-09-19 0 1400
《大学英语听说教程3》U2 Halloweenwindscary Ucreate 2016-07-01 5 276
新应用B2U7教师用书教学课件 low-carbonlifeenvironment Ucreate 2016-05-27 56 717
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新应用B1U3课文录音学生用书 believeactivefollower Ucreate 2016-05-26 10 384
地道英语:Mind-blowing 惊人的好 BBC Authentic Real English conversation BBC LE 2016-03-21 5 390
Appreciation on Vincent van Gogh’s work --- Sunflowers (1890) AppreciationSunflowerIndividual writing Vanessa 2015-12-31 5 458

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