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评价 资源标题 关键词 提供者 时间 下载量 阅读量
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第1册Unit1翻译详解 translationChineseEnglish 娄振钢 2015-09-28 1645 11560
【教案】Unit 8 The art of parenting Chinese parentingwestern parentingreadingarguing TYD 2016-06-28 752 2507
中西教育差异 educationdifferenceChinese 2017-02-17 584 2027
【哈工大课件】新一代综合教程B1U8 chinesetraditionculture 姜琳琳 2017-09-25 284 1683
新视野三版读写B2U3 Cultural comparison and contrast Chinese culturewestern culturecomparisoncontrastwriting Vanessa 2015-12-31 650 1677
【视听素材】A conversation with Chinese and American students 视听素材A conversation Chinese and American students 李冰燃 2016-08-11 368 1535
【活动设计】Essay reading and arguing Chinese parentingwestern parentingreadingarguing TYD 2016-06-28 356 1499
Unit 10 Chinese Philosophy -Taoism 教学之星大学英语组复赛 Ucreate 2016-01-02 253 1488
【补充阅读】中西方不同的友谊 【补充阅读中西方不同的友谊the differences of friendship between chinese and American 李冰燃 2016-08-11 305 1413
新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程1 Unit 1 Preview (Keys) Expression LearningChineseKeys 2018-10-14 399 1255
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